Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Good Bye'09

It's the time to say good bye-09'. what's so special? I was born on 90 and say good bye to 09, and it never comes back, that's the special place. hah, look on yourself guys, what do you think? Well, i hope that 09' christmas wishes will made your life better too.
I've just ended the contract with Standard Chartered Bank, of course beside earned some pocket money, i totally enjoyed the life of work in Standard Chartered, Thanks God! My colleagues are nice to see and nice to joke! Hah, perhaps they laughed me--naive, but I am sure I've bought them some sweet-laugh memories yah! Most important, I learnt how to communicate with colleagues, with office workers, with my line manager too. It was a meaningful working experienced.
Look at my christmas wishes, I think No! I'm not sure about my wishes, how could it be? Every people like to make wish,hah, most of the people, who is the one who give answer for our wishes? No matter believers or non-believers, their mind-set lead them to a very peaceful world, I believed. For me, Christmas is not Xmas!. You get what I mean.
I was celebrated many times of christmas, mostly I was around my hometown every year. I never celebrated christmas outside(KL) before. There's no caroling, no gospel, no bible sharing, it seems like christmas have lost its taste.
Sadly, I don't give much wishes to my friends. Despite lost contact with them since last year when i came Petaling Jaya(PJ) for further education, my heart is wishing them a blessed new year!
My new semester will be started at 18 jan 2010. For me the tertiary education can't be taken easily, I must overcome myself. I know my line of ability,imperfection,but I must put more effort on it. Secondly, my education must for a purpose, its for god, for my beloved family and finally for myself. I'll give what I've gain.
Lastly, I wish all my beloved friends a Happy New year 2010!! ARWW!! I'm gonna get older and older! Hah, I just keep it up for god, aging doesn't mean that can't do things for god. And i should have a happy ending'09, it was a blessed year for me! Hopefully i will keep smiling, no matter how sad my life is. My name is long, I started prepare for my new relationship! Hope that god will "made" me a new girl for me^^No!! how to say? Bring myself to that unknown girl? LOL! Thinking too much . Happy New year!

Tuesday, 08 December 2009


Oh No!!! ArWW~~ I'M BACK man~~!! Im back!! *MAD*
Im in high because accidentally sign in to my blogspot corner ><
I've forgotten about my blospot password...sad..Now I found it back ^^[ Happy]
Uhm...What should i write huh? wouldn't figure out what I want to express .....
Let's look at my recent life?
hahah...It's pretty good because I've found a nice company and work for it. The contract will be expired at the end of December.
Will be right back to my corner when i figure out what i want to express yar.

Monday, 13 July 2009

-do something>

.................................An indian man suddenly came over and told me something.
He walk with the help of a tools, seems like accident before. He asked me about a kind Chinese medicine, which able to recover the wound faster.
" Huh, is mini market and i don't really think they selling that kind of medicine", I replied.
Then, he walked away with weird footstep.
Suddenly he turned back again and pledge for a " cincau Tea".
" No Problem, wait a minutes", I answer.

3 Minutes later, we met at counter there. He questioned me and realized that I am not a shop worker!

That indian man thought I am shop worker and called me for help.

What the god said in bible?

Help those who need us, don't just give a mercy stare and without action.
I am trying to help those who really need help....
Praise The lord.

Sunday, 21 June 2009

26/5/09 Tuesday


前幾天見了個朋友,提到他的女友。他說已經分手了,奇怪,我說你們倆不是好好的,做麽要分開。他講了句話:經得起十年的友情,卻經不起1年的愛情。我傻去,真的,她小,中學都和他一起念書。繼續,他說他被丿,我不信。 他說她去新加坡工作認識一個男生后,直接提出分手。

男的還特地打電話給他,說我朋友錢也沒有,屋子也沒有,什麽都沒有,最好是離開她。 女方的家人更死。他們打電話給他,說你這麽弱,哪裏可以保護我的女兒。他那句話很令我感觸。這麽多年來,看到以前的情人,分的分,散的散。也不能說傷到近醫院,但能從他們的臉部看出一種表情。




Tuesday, 21 April 2009


Sunday, 22 March 2009


你的妝化得有多濃 跟我在一起 我不會以你的外表給你評分

你給我的距離有多遠 實際上你在東我在西 但距離越遠 你我的關係越近

你跟別的男生嬉戲 雖然我看著你 但我的心如刀割

你記不記得我的樣子 卻想著如何讓你開心 也許你一個人會更自由

你愛上了他 我在你心中還有沒有留个位置 但我卻選擇傻傻愛著你

我遍體鱗傷 過著行屍走肉的生活 若你愛他 我寧願看著你幸福的樣子

我們的約定有多麽長久 我還是會瓦解 只要你告訴我你愛他

你給我的一句我可以找到更好的女孩 我情願守護你們一輩子 因爲我再也愛不上別人

我做了什麽 只要你開口 我就會停止對你的感動 雖然辦不到 但我想嘗試承受

我迷了路 是生是死 我能撐著 是答應了上帝了的

你的選擇是對是錯 我很想化爲你夢想的樣子 留在你身旁看著你

我的條件差 我什麽都沒有 只有一顆守候你和上帝的心

你聼不聼到 我的内心叫著你 是清晰的 你不回頭 但這個位子是你的

你到哪裏去 我永遠祝福你 我很開心

是你選擇了他 你在我心中才這麽美麗 我對你的思念才這麽強

