Sunday, 22 March 2009


你的妝化得有多濃 跟我在一起 我不會以你的外表給你評分

你給我的距離有多遠 實際上你在東我在西 但距離越遠 你我的關係越近

你跟別的男生嬉戲 雖然我看著你 但我的心如刀割

你記不記得我的樣子 卻想著如何讓你開心 也許你一個人會更自由

你愛上了他 我在你心中還有沒有留个位置 但我卻選擇傻傻愛著你

我遍體鱗傷 過著行屍走肉的生活 若你愛他 我寧願看著你幸福的樣子

我們的約定有多麽長久 我還是會瓦解 只要你告訴我你愛他

你給我的一句我可以找到更好的女孩 我情願守護你們一輩子 因爲我再也愛不上別人

我做了什麽 只要你開口 我就會停止對你的感動 雖然辦不到 但我想嘗試承受

我迷了路 是生是死 我能撐著 是答應了上帝了的

你的選擇是對是錯 我很想化爲你夢想的樣子 留在你身旁看著你

我的條件差 我什麽都沒有 只有一顆守候你和上帝的心

你聼不聼到 我的内心叫著你 是清晰的 你不回頭 但這個位子是你的

你到哪裏去 我永遠祝福你 我很開心

是你選擇了他 你在我心中才這麽美麗 我對你的思念才這麽強



Sunday, 15 March 2009

My Sunday Story

And now story begins...
I am thinking of something(not girl of course), obviously, my face shown.
Actually i'm indecision to buy my personal Sony Headphone.Instead of sitting, i take a breath and make a final decision of what I'm going to buy.

I found it finally, it was on my mind....

After a long seeking around Digital Mall, I found this shop....

I dont know he name honestly(no one will ask shop keeper name when buy something), i pledge for testing the Sony Headphone..but he refuses, what a dissapointed business..

But the way, i keep asking this dealer..

Me : Aiya, Boss!! Let me test 1st, if nice sure will buy from you one. So many models here, just open one model and let me test lar, is it ok?? If not tested, how i know quality good or not??

Dealer: Erm...Okay lar.. I let u test la ...(then speechless and take out Sony headphone)

This is what i want...with my favourite white Colour
But my cash is not enough to pay that price, and i decided go to nearest Bank and withdraw money.( Don't Learn This stupid habit Please)

After withdrawed my cash and i am going to buy my Sony Headphone...
I dont know what is going on face shown that emotionless face indicates something is happened, but it's really worse than being ropped by somebody....
( not being ropped by theif and It's raining actually)

LOL see this...see that guy..when i was young...1 thing bare in my mind is that it will not coming in daylight one...but PJ xiao qiang is really qiang...not scared at all...
I wonder...and if im insect...i will ask : " eh, you enjoy the rainny day also ar?? the whether so cool izzit??lol..impossible thing..

Just use my precious to wait the rain stop...T,T
I dont like to waste time( at specific situation sometimes...)
and deciding to take my dinner 5.00 PM ++ only
The earliest ..... never took my dinner at such earlier time...

If you inteligent enough then you suppose to figure out what picture actually is....
behind me....(vegetables and tomatoes??) idk...

Eat this?? if Not ??paid already...xD

Anybody still blur that how's the guy take their foods??(especially girl, dont think that guy eat food so " man" or " cool" bek chek if you knew that!!

I think girl will said: " Just Do it"(NIKE) lo...what so special of you ways to eat??
You use to it i will say XD
Closing while eating???

Me ar?? " Like No Other" guaaaa.....haha..too much Sony on my mind jor..

Drinking ... ... when doing something just add "ing"...
Grammar terrible ... No doubts...i dislike English since young-,,-


Let french fries= x
and beef meat = y
x+y= Best^^(siao actually)

Notice that a cigaratte is pluged on a finished meat..
Destroy McD image instead....speechless...
Only malay"sian" with do it...Honestly i saw that man did it!!!
Next time please suggest a sign board" No smoking" at McD door there..actually got that sign board or not?? ....i blur also..

But it still raining...i have finished my food this enjoying or suffering???

Finally, the rain stopped..not comeout with consequences sentences say that, oh!! The sun is " coming out"....Nothing happened...

Before i leaving juz take a picture.Is not called what " zhi pai", coz i took at you saw customers behind the mirror?? dare man...

Rain has stopped.I am moving to the previous shop that i had promised to that dealer, purchase he Sony Headphone..Do you get it?? Honesty. The foundation of Business is Honesty..(This 1 you must learn from me)hahah...dont try to broke the promises between you and others.

So sorry for the troubles that i have made. This dealer seems to be saturated because of me.
Anyway im coming back, he took the Sony Headphone immediately without further ado.
See my Honesty Boss!!! Im sure will purchase de..kekeke

Opening bill...
p/s: He dont know himself was pictured by me.

Finally, i bought it.

The End

Wednesday, 11 March 2009


I was strongly attracted by the song, All The Matters,Planetshakers.
It mentioned about Jesus, he is all the matters.The drumer playing the beats in this song,which is my favourite drum beats.It's the All For Love album.

That is the 1st time I met Planetshakers ,in my friend car.I immediately fall in love with Planetshakers.They praise the lord with devoted heart,with their amazing sound.That is how our God should be,worthy to be Praised among the nations.



I'm so in love with music recently,especially Planetshakers.
It's original that I bought from EVANGEL and Mega CMC.
Saviour Of The World is the abum that was released on 2007 and however Beautiful Saviour on 2008.

Monday, 02 March 2009


一段時間 拖著對你的思念也有一段時間 從我眼裏看過這麽多的女孩 你是最美麗
長時間硬撐不要想起你 加上時空的隔絕 真的有可能徹底的忘記你
你很漂亮 是暫時性的 也放映出我的有限愛 從陌生 熟悉 朋友 知己
到了一個不能發展下去 但也可能發展下去的情侶關係 卻因爲彼此的原因也就瓦解了這段情
金錢 財富 名譽 地位 學歷 家庭背景 是你要的條件嗎 我不想放棄你 因我喜歡會笑的你
臉蛋 額頭 小嘴唇 就是我喜歡上你器官的理由嗎 時常這麽費力的問自己
難得 男的看外表 奴的 女的看内心 這可以嗎
彼此扮演著行尸走肉的角色怎樣會幸福呢 男的要扮演依靠 金錢的奴隸 女的則是感性的利用品
這樣愛情維持多3分鐘 性命也醖釀了
我時常對你說做會你自己 做你喜歡的事
幸福 落空 飄散 蒸發 消失 是种過程
為著愛情要死要亡是不必要的 而能讓愛情跪下求你才是最好的
掌管你 不是你的身體 是你的思念 我愛你 不是因爲頭腦的荷爾蒙分泌太多而隨口說的
我愛你 很久很久以後